25 April 2010

off to Mardi Gras

with my sparkles

el palmar (more mexican food)

Totoro has come to El Palmar (notice the ears)

Viva la Lilah!

Hello? Yes. We need more chips and salsa. Thank you.

23 April 2010


is the kitty going to pounce on me, on me, on ME?


more modelling

new york fashionista

so cool she's aloof

get away you paparazzi.

you're crampin' my style.

one of the few days Nonnie wasn't sick on her trip to Scotland

the three amigos went to the Botanics

someone's hiding...

there she is.


and Daddy, too.

pictures from Glasgow (02/10)


and jumping.

two of her favouite activities.

Some kind of architectural genius

clearly influenced by the sculptural masterpiece created by Anish Kapoor in Chicago,

Totoro assembles her own amazing tower of blocks.

Totoro and Aunty Lindsay

or, as Totoro said today, pictures of "Me and Me"


Nonnie convinced Totoro that these daisies would make for good pictures

"put your arm like this..."

cute, but very posed

look at this cool glittery painting on my arm!

the finished product

because she sat so well for this one,

Totoro got THIS ONE for free!


more cuteness

by far, the best part of the day

face-painting time!

can you guess what it is yet?

can you guess what it is now?

the lady said that Totoro was the best-behaved 2-year old she has ever had.


Captain of the Pirate Ship

don't look so surprised, i do this kind of stuff in my sleep.

and away we go!

abast ye lily-livered land-lover...

only kidding...

or am i?

in The Wizard of Oz

as the Tin Man...

as the Cowardly Lion...

(i think she liked the Lion...)

hanging out on a tortoise

as you do

station master Totoro at the wheel(s)

The Little Engine That Could

when jack goes up the beanstalk

he comes back down

on his belly.

Cinderella's Coach

riding in the front seat of the Carriage

now on one of the pretty horses

inside the Carriage

who is that other girl. i do not know.

time to go.