30 August 2010

we were a wee bit early, so we ran around a while

have i mentioned?

did you know?

lilah's a big fan of

the running.

the official "first day of school" photo

Lilah Parfery.

nearly three (10 days shy),

on her first day of school.

we're so proud of you, sweetheart.

you're going to love it!

mom and dad and lilah

Lilah's an advertisement for the school's greatness! just look at how proud and happy she is to be going here (sign in background).

dad. obviously very happy.

Lilah needing comfort? Only a momentary lapse...

mum's the one who really needs comforting today...

posing outside of the school gates

the first shots

we were just getting warmed up

in the car. on the way to: THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

and then, over breakfast, talking with dad...

isn't that interesting.

the same subject comes up again...


well, at least it seems the parents have the same reaction to the littlest arsonist's desires.

first thing on the first day of nursery

the first words out of Lilah's mouth were:

"today i'm going to school!"

and then we had this little chat

and it came to light that Lilah was looking forward to the cooking part of nursery...

27 August 2010

nail polish!

lilah is very good at not touching wet nail polish.

dad was not too upset at the ever-present proof of his daughter's growing up.

and she's pretty happy about it, too.

presents from sarah

anyone out there who can recreate this dress once lilah is too big (tonia.tonia.tonia) i will be forever indebted to your creativity and genius. this dress, from sarah, from paris, makes lilah look oh so continental.

and you know what?

it really suits her.

thank you sarah, for everything.

good luck this winter... in Sweden! (which, by the way, is colder than summer in scotland...)

xoxo again

there was an evil swan. and not enough battery.

the swan was hissing at the dogs who were walking by with their owner.

with BIG wings.

posing in Luss

strike a pose...

looking good...


possibly climbable

now that's funny.

loch lomond: two

on the second day of sarah's visit we went back to loch lomond.
it was a nice day.

it looks more like sarah and lilah are related than we are!

after swimming in the loch, it's a good idea to eat some food.

very focused.

the wheels on the bus go

on the first day of sarah's visit, BabyJack Hammond came to visit.

we went on the Red Bus tour of Glasgow, so that Sarah could see the sights.
and so that the kids could be entertained.
this is the Tall Ship.
Jack liked it.

jack has just turned 2. lilah will be 3 in two weeks.
boy's gonna be a line-backer.

and then sarah rennick came to visit

i think lilah's head is bigger than the scrops's...

hopefully that means lilah will one day have as many brains in her head as Sarah does...

Sarah is about to start a PhD in Lund, Sweden (greatest self-promotion video of a city EVER) in Middle Eastern Mediation (so so so sorry if this is not 100% accurate... it's close, anyway!)

hopefully it won't be another 4 years till we see each other again.

copenhagen and morocco, here we come!


loch lomond one, revisited

just because

a visit from Caleb

Caleb is a year old!

what a big boy!

lilah is really liking being the big-girl in the house...

more of the "big-girl" in the house.

the Nina-plant

for the record, this was taken at the beginning of the month... it has doubled in size and i will put a pic of that up after this leg of the journey is complete.

the reason for the delay...

unfortunately, blogspot won't let me upload the video of why i (mum, the blog-keeper) was away from the computer for the past month.

however: i was in england. doing a Choir Teacher Training course.

but: now i'm back and there are many, many things to fill you in on before the birthday month of september begins.

so thank you for your patience.

and now...

6 August 2010

a wee quickie
