30 June 2010

music musings

yesterday, Steven was playing the guitar and Lilah came to (join in?) (distract?) him. Lilah's first comment to Steven when she made her presence known was that "girls don't like the guitar." To which was replied: "Oh, really, what do girls like then?" With an air of isn't it obvious, Lilah replied, "girls like the piano."


this afternoon, I was sitting with Lilah in front of the CD player, after many repeated listenings of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" (and all the rest on the Movers and Shakers CD), I brought out a stack of my own personal CDs that have been sitting, gathering dust, on the music table. I thought I'd see what ones Lilah would be interested in by the artwork on the covers, and then play her the music from what she chose...

First she picked Florence and the Machine. She liked the photographs on the inside, but after about a minute, wanted it off. Then Lilah grabbed Steven's stack of music and demanded that we listen to Faith No More. (She does know this particular album very well). I said no. I didn't want to listen to FNM just then. So the next choice was Regina Spektor. It took about 15 seconds before "I no like this one" ... next track ... "I no like this one" ... one last track ... "I no like this one."


"I like this one."

"That's the Deftones."

"Is it a girl?"

"Yes, on the cover. But it's not a girl singing."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

Here, what do you think about this one? (The Killers, Day and Age.) Cool cover, don't you think? And the pictures inside...

"Is it a man?"

Yes, that's Brandon Flowers. He sings the songs.

(Turns the page)

"Is that a lady?"

That's another man.

(Turns the page)

"Is that a lady?"

Nope. Another man.

"What's his name?"


--On the last page of the CD Booklet, there is a picture of one of the guys who also has long hair, but a 5 o'clock shadow sort of incorporated into the artwork.

"This is a man."


The music goes on, and I'm really excited because I haven't listened to this CD more than once since we got it... last year? So I'm boppin and bouncing.


Yes I do! I really do! I love it!


I like this music, Lilah.

"NO! I need to listen to THIS! (deftones)"

You don't like that, Lilah.

"YES, I DO."



--I don't even get to finish the first track on the album and it's over. I put on the Deftones, which she adamantly defends as being the best music ever made in the history of life, and when I put it in, I look around (she's sitting on the bed), and she's covering her ears.

"Is it loud?"

Yes. I told you it was loud.

"Is it a girl singing?"

Nope. It's gonna be a boy.

... one minute later ...

"I no need this one."



I'm thwarted by the fact that Lilah has separated guitars and pianos as boys and girls instruments at the tender age of two. No worries, though, I've got a great live DVD of PJ Harvey that she's going to be watching very soon.

I am saddened that Lilah would prefer not to listen to catchy pop songs in favour of much harder rock songs.

This proves for me that a) we need to spend more time in the car, and b) i need a CD player for the car. Pop music is definitely best listened to at high speeds, over bumpy roads, in beautiful scenery.

when i'm four, and then i get wine. ok? okaaaaay?

clearly derived from the Magnuson-part of her very special DNA.

convincing, isn't she.

24 June 2010

using a knife at 2

this was pretty impressive... first time ever using a knife to butter her toast.

and then eat the butter from the knife.

(i take responsibility for that one)

daddy, i banged my finger


on the way home

looking happy, tired, and not a bit sun-burned!

go sunscreen!!!

lather up, folksies. have a good summer!

looks like we're really in scotland

aside from the blue sky...

i jest.


no, really.

the estate house

a rather beautiful place to spend the day playing games and having fun

can you spot lilah?

bonfire at lunchtime

this is lunch

and here's the bonfire

it was very warm

we felt the heat of the fire on our belly when we lifted up our shirts.

it made us laugh out loud!

just climbing a tree

yeah, i do this all the time.

the smile of a pro.

now how are you going to get further up that trunk?

and playing catch with Tim

catch this!

(lilah caught this one)

get it again!

oh what fun was this game!

plow pose on the ground

this went on all day

no one had more fun than lilah doing upside down poses
(and here comes Sylvan to join in!)

maybe i don't want Sylvan to walk on my tummy...

grace found us!

lilah loves grace

so happy...


morning snack with the big girls

the bonfire wood is being collected behind lilah


going to the campsite

hurry, mum, we're going to the party!

i just liked this picture.

on "the wheels on the bus go"

we're going to Blairdrummond with the Steiner School to celebrate Midsummer's Day

it's a lovely Estate Home with forest-like grounds for playing in

13 June 2010

drumming dancing

there were drummers playing the whole time for the spectators.

they were good.

lilah enjoyed their music.

Polaroid 10K -- last of the series in Loch Lomond

this was before the run. it was wet and cold.

here's loch lomond!

because it is scotland, after the race was finished, the weather broke and it got sunny and warm.

by the end of the race, however, Katja (Fay's mum) and I were soaked to the skin (and through the shoes, yuck) with rain and puddle water.

finished in under and hour, though. hooray!

not "hurry little puffer train"

but she really does want my pasta.


no chance...

hurry little puffer train

12 June 2010

morning summer walk by the river

with Super-Coco, always with Super-Coco

(she's clearly your kid, julie)

a very blueey green

such nice light.

such a serious face.

a very cozy place,

let's hide!

would you like some pancakes with that?

ever since Dad has been reading Cloudy, With A Chance of Meatballs, Lilah has found ample time for extra pancake consumption.

they fall from the sky, you know... every morning at breakfast.

1 June 2010

all the kids this time

when you're playing such a cool game in a public park,

all the kids want to join the fun.