27 September 2011

blackberries and boats along the canal

another lovely saturday gave the girls some time to wander the canal
lilah ate her blackberries on the way home
fay made a blackberry and apple crumble

checking out the boats


riot grrls we love

lilah and fay


bikini kill


the original runaways

pj harvey

a trip to the fire department

glasgow and edinburgh do this amazing thing and have an "open doors" weekend
so anyone can come into around 100 different beautiful buildings and see inside
some of the buildings are not usually open to the public
some are not open at all, ever

last weekend, lilah and fay went with katja to the fire department for open doors day

fay is totally into this

now lilah is, too

she's gonna be a truck driver, like her momma


let 'er rip, lilah!

at the weekend

lilah has been spending quite a bit of quality time lately with Rob and Katja (who have become her Dum and Mad, respectively).  so lilah and fay are getting to be pretty good at sleep-overs, and hanging out together on Saturdays, playing around and doing fun things in the city.  Katja has been keeping a photographic diary for me, so i'm going to post some of the gems on here...

this was a free (!!!) day of music for kids at a wonderful centre in the east end of glasgow.
aunty ashley and uncle drew and little jack were there, too.
aunty ashley clued us in to this amazingness (she's got her finger on the pulse)

zenning out

lilah and katja (her Mad)

21 September 2011

a fourth birthday party

a very happy lilah

a very lovely totoro 
(handmade(!!!) gift from katja, rob, and fay)

and a beautiful autumn photograph
(courtesy of ingrid mur)

thank you, all for such a pleasant and mellow party

and happy birthday again, lilah!

11 September 2011

dance with dad before bed

listening to crystalline remixed

dancing with dad generally includes a circus-like finish

this is a recurring event 
that still makes my heart flutter

8 September 2011

Grandma Sue knows Lilah's style

Thank you SO much, Grandma Sue, 
for the extraordinary Venetian mask
birthday present

It arrived safe and in one piece, and it is the most beautiful thing we have ever seen!

Lilah is in love.


4 years old

oh lovely lilah, it is pretty remarkable that you are four years old today
though sometimes i think you're 4 going on 15
(and i'm not the only one)

but big girls who are 15 don't want their mums and dads to read them 
bedtime stories
and are not want to cry when the big light is put out
and that's when i am reminded that you are still 
a wee thing

and you still need me,
and i still need you

so even though you're now 4 going on 5
and next year you'll be 5 going on 6
let's not rush the whole thing too fast

you'll be Big soon enough

Happy Birthday
i love you


lilah photographs the kitchen door

piece by piece,
lilah is documenting the new flat

i hope you're enjoying your 42'' view/tour of our home

our Nonnie in her lovely edible garden

we love you, Nonnie!

you're such a wee hippy at heart

(what with your edible garden and your solar panels)

ah... just look at that sky

ever so blue

and cloudless

2 September 2011

lilah photographs the kitchen some more

lilah view

tio erasmo's lily

housewarming sunflower

shh... don't tell mum

this is important

mmm... indeed


you missed your feet, dude

and she was

a reserved, but moving groove

building:modern art-architecture

this is pretty exciting work

also, it's a good shot of the russian doll wall-stickers

i'm really digging the whole composition

good fun for the whole family

1 September 2011

photography a la lilah

after breakfast


down the hall

guess who

jammie dancing with socks in the morning

i'm going to start filming the morning dance sequences more often
lilah's got some good moves


lilah and her big cousin paige

lilah loves paige so much, that after hanging out with her for a few hours, 
she had adopted a leeds accent

lilah, you're so great at making these faces

paige, you're not half bad either!

the big girls are not that concerned with their little cousin kaleb
but he's doing just fine on his own anyway.

lilah pictures

self portrait




when you do this...

then you do this.

little jack and lilah on a walk

lilah loves jack

this was incredibly funny
and thus had to re-occur at every lamp-post

running to the park

we love you, little jack!  happy belated birthday!!