21 June 2009

lilah's first gig

without pictures, i am hoping you can imagine the blissed-out look on lilah's face as a three-piece rockabilly band (stand up bass, drums, electric guitar) performed a couple of '50s rock songs in the Glasgow University Union Debating Chamber at 6:30 pm on 20 June, 2009.

i forgot the camera.  

i also forgot the earplugs (but to be fair, how often do craft fairs have live bands?).

when the musicians were doing their soundcheck, the drummer gave lilah her very own personal drum-fill.  she loved it.  lilah loves drums.  i am so. not. surprised. 

and the guitar player made his guitar "whistle" (the slide whee-wheoouw) for / at little lilah.

she danced during the songs, clapped at the end, and screamed for more when the band left the stage.

future musician?  who knows.  

future music lover/festival attendee/concert-goer?  you bet your life she is.

16 June 2009

successful trampoline-ing

i'm actually pretty bummed because right after i finished filming this clip, she started saying "Tino!  Amaaaazing."

gymnastics at home

lilah really loves her gymnastics class.  
and, as everyone said she would, lilah has taken it home with her.  
can't say i wasn't warned.

15 June 2009

a blast from the past

it feels like this was taken 20 years ago, in another life.
i'm still pretty comatose, though, and lilah's still trying to get the plants...
so it can't have been that long ago.
can it?

10 June 2009


no one has ever made tomato soup look so cute.

milk mustache, take a hike.  y'ain't got nothin' on this ginger 'stache, dude.

5 June 2009

the benefits of sign language

the sign for ladybug (which is the same for any "bug" in ASL) is to put your thumb on the tip of your nose and wiggle your first and second fingers in the air.

though i really like lilah's interpretation.

(nb for older - lilah:  when i posted this initially, you laughed and laughed and asked to see it again and again.  i love you and i'm sorry for any embarrassment this may cause you in the future.)

for the record

in developing her language skills, lilah has experienced a rare bout of verbal dyslexia.  it's consistent, anyway, so eventually it will work itself out.  but i love it so much i just wanted to get it on paper (as it were) for future reference.

i say:  don't move!

she says:  moo-nondt!

i melt...

still the favourite game

so, nothing new except the ever-growing cuteness of wee lilah.
but it was definitely cute enough to share.