27 February 2011

pippi longstocking

if you have never read Pippi Longstocking, maybe this will inspire you to go out and find yourself a copy.

lilah is reminding me of Navneet when she was 3 more and more...

i am impressed and in awe of my daughter; i'm incredibly honoured to call her my daughter.

enjoy your snippit of being read to.

hopefully you're in your bed all tucked in and ready for sleep, just like lilah.

sweet dreams.

18 February 2011

une artiste nouvelle

double click on this image to see it full size. you'll notice at the bottom a series of "L"s...

Lilah, two weeks ago, sussed that if she drags her crayon/pencil down and then over to the side, you get L for Lilah! Needless to say this is now our favourite thing to do.

A Chinese Dragon for the Chinese New Year

Seems the artist gene runs in the family.
Poor dear. I do hope you grow up to be a doctor... or an accountant.
For your own security and peace of mind.

17 February 2011

Panama's visit: Sunday

Panama went with Lilah and Fay to swimming lessons.

Here they are outside the pool,

we all got quite involved during the lessons and forgot to take pictures.

Thanks for coming to visit, Panama.

Hope to see you again soon!!

Panama's visit: Saturday

Lilah and Panama took a trip to the Botanics

Lilah wanted to go on the swing, but Panama was scared, so Lilah had to promise to hold on to him tight and keep him safe.

Panama wanted to play hide and seek, but he was always very easy for Lilah to find!

Panama thought it would be a good idea to have an ice cream after all that hard play!

No, Panama, you can't eat that ice cream!

Now this ice cream looks tasty...

What a lovely day at the Botanics!

Panama: An Introduction

There is a frog who lives at Lilah's nursery called Panama. He occasionally goes home with very well behaved children for weekend visits, or on holidays with families to see places all over the globe. This winter, he went with a family to Lapland (which is why he didn't come with us to California).

Last weekend, Lilah, being a very well behaved child, was given the opportunity to take Panama home. She was so excited. So was Panama!

Welcome to our house, Panama! We hope you have a good weekend!

15 February 2011

happy birthday, auntie heebie!

fond memories of auntie heba, the sun, chicago, and damn good mini mexican food...

because lilah "no need a nap!"

happiest of birthdays, auntie!

we love you SO much!!

13 February 2011

everything that's mine is yours

and i'm havin' that necklace, too.

very important thinking

i mean, come on... it's iggle piggle for goodness sake.

Uncle Dan

Lilah's gonna have some pretty cousins one day!

only in california


'nuff said.

reasons we love the Helmsins

Lilah didn't even see Uncle David coming

the Helmsins, Christmas 2011

for some reason, i always look a bit out of place in these pictures

wee lilah and laney

Lindsay and Lilah

pretty pictures of the engaged couple

in front of the sacramento state capitol, post engagement

she said Yes!

the classy shot: engagement ring

11 February 2011

all is forgiven

and lilah is still wearing steven's hat


outside with dad

please don't take off your shoes, lilah

that wasn't good listening, was it.

parenting is exasperating.

hang in there...

our fast-food experience

we love root beer

(i'm only here because i'm with this crew.)

the quarter game

setting the parameters of the goal

lilah wins!

that was a one-shot, corner-edged beauty!

aunty linnie imparting knowledge

i don't know what, but it's probably related to five somehow

lilah's gonna eat you

the result of asking Papa Jon for a bigger bowl for your cheerios

and guess what

wee lilah ate it all up in one go.

uncle eric and lilah

even though there aren't many pictures of Uncle Eric and Lilah,

the pair of them get on like a House On Fire.

Uncle Eric didn't get the thanks he deserved for being such a great Uncle.

They get on like a House On Fire.

8 February 2011

crazy eyes

loves it.

when you're three...

you can wear a tutu to five guys burgers

(we went there for steven and the fam.)
(general consensus: not in the same league as in-n-out)

sunny christmas in sacramento

makes for a happy lilah

debut the pink tutu

you do know that lilah picks all her outfits

has done since she could talk

she's developing a keen eye

she's given her opinion on christian dior's spring 2011 collection

(this is not her opinion of dior's collection)

in pink

well, you would get pretty good at posing if you constantly had cameras in your face

or if you knew the resulting picture would be this kinda cute