after our two visits to the doctor's office this week, Lilah clearly came away with an understanding that at the doctor's, you may not be pleased with the treatment
(the two jags, the funny tasting fish oil vitamins)
but the reasoning behind the treatments is good enough that you soldier through the fear and / or pain and then when it's over, you know that you are going to be healthier for it, and also, you'll probably get some vanilla ice cream for your bravery.
what i was not expecting (and this is one of those cool parenting moments), was that Lilah would come home and instinctively know that by swallowing the nasty vitamins, she wouldn't have to taste them.
so she just did it.
just like that.
4 pills, down the gullet. one at a time. with some water.
we never showed her how, she just knew.
i'm super impressed. can you tell?
anyway, 10 minutes later, she comes in to the kitchen while i'm doing the dishes with her doll and says, "Look Mummy. I can braid now."
and sure enough, the doll's hair is beautifully braided down her back.
human development never ceases to amaze me. the sudden explosions of knowledge and ability... not to mention shoe and trouser size...
Oh, and for the record: as of 17 July, 2013: Lilah is 46" tall and 45 lbs.
Wow its interesting