12 January 2012

end of season finale for mankind, part 1

i've been processing 2011 for a few weeks.  i'm not ready to make new years resolutions because i'm still digesting everything that went on.  and i'm going to assume some other people are feeling like me, a little "whoa..." about things.  so to help (?), i'm going to write up the summary provided to the british public by our very own Charlie Brooker

if you don't know mr. brooker yet, take the opportunity to get to know him.  he'll educate you and make you laugh at the same time.  and he's got no patience for ... well, all things idiotic ... which is refreshing.

anyway.  in January of 2011, Tunisia began the year of the Despot toppling craze with a revolution and subsequent ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali

in February, Egypt joined in.  President Mubarak was eventually ousted after huge, major, extremely powerful and significant protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square.

not to leave out any superfluous celebrities, February also saw the onslaught of mentalness - but definitely NOT drug abuse - brought upon himself by Charlie Sheen.  yeah.  his drug of choice is Charlie Sheen. cause that makes sense...

moving right back to the sensational events of the world, March was not going to be outdone by a couple of revolutions... no... in March, if you'll remember, Japan got completely annihilated by a tsunami.  

as if that wasn't enough, a few days later, the Fukushima Nuclear Plant had a pretty disastrous malfunction. 

and on the other side of the world, in London, protesters marched against government cuts... and then it all turned a bit sour, when people began looting local shops and generally destroying everything they could.

in April, it seemed the world needed a break, so everyone got sidetracked by all the tragedy and spent a few weeks staring at Pippa Middleton's bum.  oh, and the royal wedding gave everyone in the UK another holiday.

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