after ending the first part of this two-part post on a high (?) note (oh dear, if that was a high note, i fear for the future of our society)... i'm afraid we're going to have to jump back into the decimation that was 2011...
so to
May. the USA were really happy this month, because Osama bin Laden was killed. what really happened was that he was gunned down by soldiers in front of his family in his own home. and apparently, because it was Osama bin Laden, that kind of action is okay. they called it "justice". well, for the record, the definition of
justice is
1. the quality of being just; fairness
2. a) The principle of moral rightness; equity.
b) Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness
anyway, what i remember finding the most interesting about this event was the reaction by some to this photograph:
because in a Yiddish Haredi Brooklyn newspaper, Hillary Clinton was not there!
whoa! magic!
June didn't provide us with much, but i can tell you that in Scotland, we weren't having much of a summer at this point. so on a whole, June was a bit underwhelming.
this was front page news EVERY DAY in the UK. Lilah and I went to the USA for 3 weeks right after the scandal broke open, and I read the papers and watched the news every day while away, and NOT ONCE did this make front page news. it was regularly featured on the one page of international news in the Sacramento Bee (that's page 6, by the way). and I never saw it on any of the news programs.
is that a bit scary to you americans? because it should be. it sure scared the piss out of me! y'all are pretty much owned by the Murdoch corporation. the UK is as well. well, not as much as it was before this happened... but he still owns the Sun (another tabloid paper) and Sky (a massive cable network). difference is, people here are not willing to be bought out by illegal practices, and will speak up for what is right.
so the editor of the News of the World, Andy Carson, resigned twice amidst the scandal. and then Rupert Murdoch's right hand man, Rebecca Brooks, she took over the editor's position for a while, but then resigned as well, as the paper was forced to shut down publication -- after 168 years running.
you see, it can be done.
(thank you NY Times for your attention to international news).
and he was hit in the face with a pie during the procedure.
which he deserved.
August, the London protests started up again and then spread through the city. there was already a worldwide movement at this point to
Occupy Wall Street and it was very, very interesting to witness the different cities and countries reactions to this occupation.
in London, the Occupy folks were stationed at
St Paul's Cathedral. strangely, the church folk didn't want them to be there... something about making it hard for the tourists to get in... but then, very cleverly, the protesters reminded the church about the story of
Jesus and the Money Lenders.
which brought new life to the question, "what would jesus do?"
and then the church remembered what jesus DID do. and they let the protesters stay. and maybe eve brought them some soup.
it had been a while since we heard about any uprising by this point in the year, but never fear,
Libya was ready to roll come
September, and roll they did.
there were protests, riots, and uprisings all over the place! crazy Colonel Gaddafi found himself on the run from the Anti-Gaddafi uprising. during the hunt for Gaddafi, although there were rumours that he fled Libya, he (quite incoherently) addressed the nation from a "rainy" Tripoli, stating that he was there, gave a few interviews to the british press - also quite incoherently, and then
in October, he was found and killed. i'm not going to post those pictures. they're pretty vile.
while all this is going on in Northern Africa and the Middle East, there was also the Euro-Crisis to remember. Angela Merkel (German chancellor) and Nicolas Sarkozy (France's president), although mostly Angela Merkel and the rest of "Secure Germany" are trying to figure out how to bail all the rest of the European countries out of massive debt.
i like this picture
although this is more telling of what the relationship is really like
Greece is pretty screwed. Spain isn't very well off. and in
November, Italy got in such trouble, that their
crazy, corrupt, mafioso prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi,
resigned after 17 years in power.
anyway, by that time it was December. nobody had any money for Christmas and everyone was expecting a perfect holiday.
and that, dear reader, is a year for the history books.
i'm just hoping that 2012 is going to be a little less intense than 2011. and maybe more positive?
(and warmer...)