9 April 2011

Surprise for Lilah

Aunt Ashley has her finger on the pulse of all the different Children's Activities (plays, performances, art events, concerts, et cetera) that are happening in Glasgow.

Yesterday, at 6pm, totally last minute, Aunt Ashley and I organized to meet up at the Scottish Youth Theatre to see their production of The Princess and The Pea this morning at 10:30. I'd go so far as to say that was the most last-minute planning I've done in years.

It was also the best idea ever!

Here's Baby Jack ( who is about a year younger and yet a bit taller than Lilah) and Lilah looking at the poster for the production. This is when Lilah found out what we were there for. What you can't see is the huge smile on her face!

Lilah is quite happy to pose for anyone taking a picture.

Aunt Ashley, Uncle Drew and I noticed that our kids were the most runningest of all the kids in the foyer. How do people get their offspring to sit so quietly?

Overall, we give 2 big thumbs up to the performance, the actors, the stage, and the music. It was a lovely way to spend a Saturday morning.

Thank you Ashley, for pointing this out to us! We love you!

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