Knowing Lilah as I do, however, I have to say that if she were a wee bit older, she'd be demanding to say something to crazy Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Because according to the Guardian, both of these women are doing their best to rip Michelle Obama's Breastfeeding Initiative to shreds.
And why?
Both Palin and Bachmann are mothers. Both women breast-fed each of their babies (which comes to a grand total of 10 children on this planet that have been nurtured and sustained from these two immature, aggressive bullies... but I digress...) and at least Palin has done her bit to promote breast-feeding (as governor of Alaska she introduced a breast-feeding awareness month).
And yet, they both have publicly made fun of Michelle Obama for trying to make it easier for women to breast-feed their child if they want to.
Somehow, according to Bachmann, it comes down to the fact "that government has to go out and buy my breast pump for my babies. You wanna talk about the new nanny state? I think we just got the new definition of nanny."
Which doesn't make sense AT ALL.
What DOES make sense is that Harvard Medical School has recently done a study that shows that "if the rate of breast-feeding in US families could be raised to 90% for the first 6 months after birth, 900 infant deaths per year would be prevented and $13 billion saved in medical fees and other economic impacts."
That's right. A breast-fed child is less likely to become obese. A breastfed child is also given protection against allergies, asthma, and other ailments. The funny thing is, Palin and Bachmann KNOW this ... and the reason they're rounding up the troops is because, well,
Michelle Obama is a Democrat.
So no matter what Obama says, even if crazy P and B agree, they will vehemently disagree in public because whatever comes out of her mouth is wrong!
This is upsetting. On such a major level.
Let it be said that every mother should have the right to decide for herself whether she will breast-feed her child(ren). If she does breast-feed, she should not feel pressured into doing it, nor should she feel pressured into stopping. Breast-feeding is a personal decision, one that is not easy.
Thank you Michelle Obama, for acknowledging the difficulties that many new mothers face when returning to the workplace while still breast-feeding a child, and trying to make it easier to do both.
Shame on you Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann for reverting to adolescent tactics in order to have your irrelevant (and contradictory) voices heard because no one was paying attention to you for a few minutes.
It's time to grow up.
Fight for your right for teta, people.
I know Lilah does.
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