One time, Meeshack, a housecat, got out. Happened to be during a tornado. (Thinking back, it seems less likely to be coincidental, as Meeshack is quite tornado-like, and probably would have felt as one in the high winds and rain.) He came back, of course. But that was two days later. And he looked a little worse for the wear. Meeshack also spends hours inside pianos and on top of bookshelves.

This is Baghiera on the table. He's gorgeous. Totoro really likes him. And, as he has never really been around kids much, Habiba, Heba, and I all agreed that he maybe kind of liked Totoro as well.

Ah. Sultan.
Seriously. As big as a cow.
Very well trained. And very good with the littles -- save for when he licked Toby in the face... Sultan's tongue was as big as Toby's head and little Tobs didn't so much like that.
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