this is at Time Tested Books in Sacramento.
see that KZAP poster up on the wall? Lilah's Poppa Zuzu (Lauren's Dad, Marc Gerig) used to be a DJ for that station back in the day. he worked the night shift and besides being the master of the segue, also generously read recipes out over the airwaves for those who, you know, wanted a midnight snack... long live KZAP!
anyway, we were here to see one of my old friends Jaimal Yogis at his book signing. his book is titled Saltwater Buddha, and it's a beautiful and easy read. you can find out about Jaimal and his book on
this pic is before the reading started, and Nonnie bought her a pop up book. her favourite picture is the one with the shark-teeth.

Lilah and Jaimal. i'd like to say this is her first meeting with a famous author, but that wouldn't be true. when she was a wee tiny lassie, and we were in Edinburgh at the American Consulate, Ian Banks walked in and they had a poignant conversation about pigtails, i think.
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