21 July 2009

ArtBeast's Music / Movement room

i think this place is amazing.  we should open one in Glasgow.  anyone up for it?

Sacramento's ArtBeast (google it)

Lilah is busy looking at all the different rooms.  this is the "house" room.

going outside to the gravel pit and sand and water boxes...

some good light.  some snacks.  some Us shots.

Lilah liked the painting room.

the beautiful American River

two gorgeous shots:

the landscape

the portrait

anybody want more ice cream?

mmm, Lilah and Laney do.

Rainbow Sherbet matches wee Rainbow Brite there...

they behave so well when they eat ice cream.

if you get it with your fingers it lasts longer.  -- Lilah

you gonna eat that? -- Laney

and the cup, it's like one big cookie!

this is the best stuff EVER.

Lexy's the big cousin

it's a good thing they love each other!

Lexy being the boss.

the farmers market adventure

baby, i love your style.

Lilah says Teddy is going Night-Night.

celery, celery, so crunchy!
put them all into a pot,
add a little chilli if you like things hot!

mmm, fresh pastries.  i'll have this tray, thanks.

i'm so glad i caught this on camera

this is Lilah being a jerk.  

to complete the picture for you: she juts her lower jaw out, gets really tense so that her arms start shaking and squeezes something (or someone, in my case) close by while growling (literally) at them. 

at this point i'm probably saying, Lilah, use your words...

the funny thing is

admittedly, Lilah has about a million designated "Aunties," and her one blood-Aunty (on her mother's side) looks like she's from Puerto Rico.  believe it or not these two are related.  Aunty Linnie is where Lilah gets her beautiful eyes from.

swimming pictures never get old

Lilah likes to have people do what she tells them to do.

good job, Papa Jon!  you stacked the colors!  

on a side note:  notice the adorable swimsuit.  courtesy of Lilah's Aunt Heba.

more pics from the past:

at Julie's art show.  october 2008.

we spent the afternoon practicing going up and down the curb.  did i say practicing?  i meant mastering.

i'm doin' you a favah heeeere.  gimme whatcha got an' i'll trade you this bottle...

Lilah is such a city girl.

now that's just reckless driving, mz parfery.  they'll never let you race Laguna Seca if you keep that up!

amiga-li-gas.  julie.  cinder (pixie sis kristen).  lilah and her mum.

El Palmar

going out for Mexican in three easy steps:

1: order your drinks at the bar

2: put the tortilla chips in your shoes

3:  pass out on the floor

more fun at Aunty Julie's

great picture of Mum's and Lilah's bummies... ha ha ha.  first time in the sprinkler!!!  why is it so impossible to get ahold of these things in Scotland?!  

lilah called it Raining.  and she was right into it, too.

usually it's No Hair?!  not this time...

getting ready to traipse through Joan's beautiful garden.  such a pretty shot.  thank you Julie for being such a great photographer!!

at Aunty Julie's house, we...

played with wooden blocks

were blinded by the flash-light whilst eating grapes

showed Pat how to eat grapes with your toes

and eyes...

Aunty Julie and Lilah being artistic

this is how you do it, Julie.

swimming with LexyLaney, Mimi Rikki, Aunt Beth, and Nonnie

from left:  Nonnie, Lilah, Lexy, Rikki, Laney, and Lilah's gorgeous Aunty Beth

Lilah and Lexy.  not jumping into the pool from the side.

Lilah and Laney wanting to be in the big pool.

don't you want to go swimming in the big pool, LexyLaney?

watch de feet!

the second famous author Lilah has met

this is at Time Tested Books in Sacramento.

see that KZAP poster up on the wall?  Lilah's Poppa Zuzu (Lauren's Dad, Marc Gerig) used to be a DJ for that station back in the day.  he worked the night shift and besides being the master of the segue, also generously read recipes out over the airwaves for those who, you know, wanted a midnight snack...  long live KZAP!

anyway, we were here to see one of my old friends Jaimal Yogis at his book signing.  his book is titled Saltwater Buddha, and it's a beautiful and easy read.  you can find out about Jaimal and his book on www.jaimalyogis.com.  

this pic is before the reading started, and Nonnie bought her a pop up book.  her favourite picture is the one with the shark-teeth.

Lilah and Jaimal.  i'd like to say this is her first meeting with a famous author, but that wouldn't be true.  when she was a wee tiny lassie, and we were in Edinburgh at the American Consulate, Ian Banks walked in and they had a poignant conversation about pigtails, i think.

swimming with Mummy moving up fast

this was day 2 of swimming.  lilah has progressed to jumping off the step.  just you wait.  she gets better and better each time she gets in.

Bouncing with LexyLaney

this never gets old.  check out the smacker that Laney gets from her big sister Lexy halfway through.  and she doesn't even flinch!   what they say is right:  that girl's a tank! 

Daddy, you should enjoy this one the most.

bath time at Mimi Rikki's

14 July 2009

a series of ice-cream events

after the park, we went to Vic's Ice Cream.  the best ice cream in Sacramento since 1947.  see, there are good things that come out of Sac!  anyway, this is Lilah's first time at Vic's.  but not her first time at an ice-cream parlor.  that was in Glasgow.  on a much, much, much, much cooler day.  

surprise! mint chocolate chip ("green") ice cream for Lilah!

(coffee and cookies and cream for mummy)

much easier to eat with your mouth... hey, did you learn that from your dad?

you can get a bigger bite with a spoon!

it's yummier on fingers!