from lilah and steven.
27 October 2010
pulling faces
right before bed
lilah asked steven to take her picture.
so here they are, presented in the order in which they were taken:
1) having been in a dimly-lit room for 30 minutes, lilah's eyes are still adjusting to the light in living room
2) ready for some posin' action
**here is where the two of them originally returned to continue the sleepytime process**
... however ...
3) "i need another picture like this. okay? just like this."
19 October 2010
Glasgow is:

Officially the Most Romantic City in the UK.
also today, we learned that Glasgow has simultaneously been voted
The Safest City in the UK
The Most Dangerous City in the UK
one thing you can't say about glasgow,
you can't say it's boring.
on a side note:
minus 2 later this evening.
(and it's only October!!!)
a note on the science of black holes
by Brian Greene:
Black holes are regions of space filled with such intense gravity that anything which gets too close, even light, is unable to escape. Although Albert Einstein's insights let to the modern idea of black holes, he remained sceptical about their existence. Yet, in the decades since, a wealth of astronomical observations have provided strong evidence that black holes not only exist in the cosmos, they're commonplace.
Black holes have a profound effect on time: their gravitational force pulls on time itself, slowing its rate of passage ever more as one gets ever nearer a black hole's edge. Because of this, black holes provide for a specific kind of time travel. Were you to hover near the edge of a black hole, time for you would pass more slowly than for everyone else who remained far away. On returning to Earth you would thus find that hundreds or even thousands of years had elapsed, depending on the size of the black hole and how close you ventured to its edge.
Scientists still haven't figured out what happens at the very centre of a black hole. Some have suggested that a black hole's centre is where time comes to an end while others have proposed that it's a portal to another universe. Finding the definitive answer is widely recognised as one of the great remaining challenges in our continuing quest to understand space, time and the cosmos.
get the book. if not for your own offspring, for someone's offspring you know, or will know one day.
Icarus at the Edge of Time
on Sunday (17 October), the fam went together to the last day of the Minimalist Festival in Glasgow. there was a production on of Icarus at the Edge of Time, which is a re-telling of the myth of Icarus, set in the future, with Icarus flying around the event horizon of a black hole. the book is written by Brian Greene.
already sounds pretty cool, right?
the presentation of this production consisted of: a large movie screen, projecting a silent visual (filmic) interpretation of the story; a full orchestra (the brilliant Glasgow Chamber Orchestra); and Billy Boyd, who was responsible for reading the story.
this is Billy Boyd:

but you'll remember him like this:
if the performance comes to your area, i highly recommend attending.
even if you don't have a kid.
nonnie, your post arrived!
the great thing about malls
we came to Princes' Square on Wednesday afternoon (13 October) after our failed attempt to join Ashley and Jack at the Tron for a children's theatre/dance performance by The Catherine Wheels called "White."
good thing about kid's shows is that they're not ever that long.
ask me sometime about the unnecessarily rude ticket manager who wouldn't let Lilah in because we were 10 minutes late. even after being offered the places of people whose children were frightened by the performance (and therefore NOT returning), who were independently told that they could return.
mm hmm. sometimes there isn't the need to adhere so strictly to your "job description," you spineless, bureaucratic twit.
15 October 2010
7 October 2010
they're sick
5 October 2010
at the Briggait, on a Sunday
that's lilah and emily sitting over there. we spent the afternoon on sunday at the Briggait in Glasgow -- a space with HUNDREDS of artists studios (it was an open studios day so Steven was making friends) and we were hanging out / participating in a day of Trapeze tryouts!
would you like to share some of my tasty italian stale-bread crackers?
yes, please!
say cheese!
lilah: cheese!
emily: tomatoes.
3 October 2010
on a sunday
hanging out under the bookcase
tia's turn to hunt the deflating balloon
everyone got in on the fun.
very soon after this i had to remove all balloons from the house
they were following us around like bad smells.
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