31 May 2010

and THEN, they met Uncle Americo at the Botanics

an important game of football

i'm not quite sure, but i think Lilah is trying to tell Uncle Americo how to play the game.

they sure look alike, don't they?

closing your eyes makes for more of a wheeeee!

sledding with rob this time

short-summer-sledding-films 2: the return

apparently Lilah closed her eyes every.
on the way down the hill.

a series of summer sledding short-films:

this is what the Parferys got up to on Bank Holiday Monday / Memorial Day, with bffs Rob and Fay at the Botanics.

28 May 2010

baby banksy or just a lilahbility...

you decide.

this was within the space of 2 minutes.

needless to say, the crayons have been removed from being accessible to Lilah at any time, and yes, Lynda, we will repaint her room. eventually.

oh. dear

this is a bit worrying.

it's also not the only place in the house she's decided to climb.

other, even more dangerous locations include the Bookcase, and the DVD shelves. neither of which are particularly secure.

dear, oh dear indeed.

17 May 2010

and then this happens

lilah had just been smacked in the hand by the end of a kid's jump rope, and was maniacally running down the sidewalk, when she tripped and fell face first onto a rough part of the concrete.

her head bounced.

bless the fact that she's got her daddy's skull. i guess.

after a very long, very deserved cry, she is quite happy to show everyone her very own injuries.

a day in the life of a growing toddler

this has been a tiring week for our wee family.

the other day, lilah had two (2) bumps on the palm of her right hand. one looked a bit like a white-head (zit / spot), but both of them looked more like a spider-bite... or something. but then i noticed that if you pulled her fingers back away from the palm of her hand, there were all sorts of tiny, raised bumps under the skin. all over her palm. and it was the same on the other hand.

which made me not-so-quietly freak out.

the order in which the following occurred will follow:

1) consult out-of-date, but very reliable children's medical book for "rash," "hands," "raised bumps," only to come to the conclusion that lilah does not have purpura or the german measles

2) go online and discover that it is possible that lilah has an iron deficiency and we need to get her on supplements immediately

3) call the doctor and make the first available appointment, which isn't until the next day at 5pm

and although lilah said it didn't bother her and it didn't itch, the next morning i witnessed a rather vigorous scraping of the palm with her teeth after breakfast. so no, she wasn't hungry. and at that point, it did itch.

so we go to the doctor's office. lilah is a great patient. seriously. she's a rock star. but the Doc we get this time (there are 5 (i think) doctor's in our GP's office, and because it's the NHS, you get the pleasure of the draw whenever you need to make an appointment) is the one i hate.

but whatever. i tell him her symptoms. she obliges with getting her temperature taken, opening her mouth as wide as she can so he can look for mouth ulcers, and removing her tights so he can check the bottoms of her feet.

and it looks like she's got the Hand, Foot, and Mouth virus.

does this have any connection to Foot and Mouth, Doctor?

no. it is a relatively normal virus that occurs in small children in the summer months. he waves his hand to the window as if to indicate that the chilly, rainy scene outside is indicative of said 'summer.'

there isn't any need for antibiotics, because it should be gone within 3 - 5 days.

that was wednesday last week.

this evening (monday, 17 may, 2010) they finally started disappearing.

not before she probably gave them to Toddler Jack Hammond, though. (sorry guys)

it doesn't have to make sense to like it

this was supposed to be a photograph


but i love the perspective and the randomness of it all,

so here you go.

16 May 2010

botanic park, glasgow

circus in the house. again.



blissed-out in bubble-bath

on the see-saw with Lucy

10 May 2010

this is a comfortable place to rest

yes it is.

to the botanics with the Parferys

this is Buster, Lucy's doggie.

here is Totoro, slowly eating an ice-cream Uncle Drew bought for her.

and here's Lucy. she's taller than Totoro these days.

finger painting with Dad equals

side-splitting creative hilarity

with toddler-Jack

watching a video of kids songs ... the one on during this shot was "The Wheels on The Bus"

out with Fay (and Daddy and Rob)

Fay is dubious. Lilah is ecstatic.

they are in Mummy's shop before they head to the park to draw with chalk:

sitting down, drinking juice, shouting, on a chalk chair and stool (which looks conspicuously like Lilah's naughty-step...).

back in glasgow

practicing karate with Kahlil

drawing on paper... not so much

hah hah hah


aunty lamya and totoro (from chicago visit)

Papa Zuzu was in the military. He can teach you to put on your shoes properly. And shine them till they glow.

oh my gosh i LOVE my present!

thank you Aunty Lamya-and-Kate!

le chausseur

les deux